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Former Commander Lee Jin -woo “Yun Seok -yeol”

Published By Desantos Rocky | Feb 04, 2025 11:46 a.m.

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Note Descr: Lee Jin -woo, who was a witness at the impeachment trial of President Yoon Seok -yeol, said that he refused to answer newspapers because he was accused of being accused of a civil case. The prosecution announced that 'President Yun asked to bring out the members of the National Assembly'...

I read the article. Your Browser Does not Support the Element. Lee Jin -woo, who was a witness at the impeachment trial of President Yoon Seok -yeol, provided by the Constitutional Court, said that he refused to answer newspapers because he was charged with a civil case. The prosecution's announcement that President Yun asked to bring out the members of the parliamentary lawmakers denied, 'I don't remember and there are many areas.' In the situation, please understand that it is quite limited to talk. ” The following newspaper said, “I will not answer.” “We will be limited to the answer.” I am arriving at the National Assembly to attend. Yonhap News, President Yun's instructions for the input of the National Assembly, said, "I thought it was legal."The former commander said, “I thought that the president of the people and the president of the ROK military, even the prosecutor general, was a prosecutor general, and I thought it was more experts about the law.” There was no room to confirm that it was unconstitutional. I still think that it is legal about that. ”But the prosecution's investigation that the prosecution's investigation that President Yoon wanted to decide to resolve the release of emergency martial arts from the plenary session was denied. Prosecutor's Emergency Special Investigation Headquarters (Chairman Park Se -hyun) arrested former Defense Minister Kim Yong -hyun on December 27 last year. Even if I shoot a gun, I break down the door and pull it out, ”he said,“ I can continue to proceed because I have to proclaim martial law twice and three times. ”But the former commander said, I said. 'Is it a judo newspaper by the investigative agency, and was the witness's own memory according to the memory of others?' The former commander insisted that his statement made by the prosecution was matched with the statements of the neighbors, including the deputy. The former commander said, “I was in charge of three phones in the car. If you hold three radio in the armored vehicle, I don't know what I said, ”he said. I understood those two hours after the proclamation of emergency martial arts. ” It is a claim that President Yoon's instructions to bring them out of the House of Parliament do not remember at all.